Salisbury Therapeutic Massage
Salisbury Therapeutic Massage
Assisting you in wellness of your Body, Mind & Spirit
Facial Reflexology
Facial Reflexology
The Treatment is a gentle, non-invasive therapy. One remains completely clothed at all times. It relieves tension and stress that our facial muscles are holding and transmitting to our entire body. This is accomplished by stimulating acupuncture points and zones that trigger the release of endorphin and serotonin, so the client feels relaxed and rejuvenated.
A light, rosehip oil is applied to the face using a deep, smooth massage releasing tension and balancing the central nervous system, helping the body to heal itself. Facial Reflexology may be used to assist in the treatment of a specific condition, maintenance for health or for facial rejuvenation and relaxation. facial Reflexology does not claim to cure but assist in treatment of many conditions:
Allergies, Anxiety, Stress, Bells Palsy, Depression, Digestive problems, Hormonal imbalance, Stroke rehabilitation and more......
Performed by Mary Zimmerman, LMBT NC License 1663
45 minutes Facial Reflexology - $60
45 minutes Facial Reflexology - $60
One Hour Facial Reflexology including Massage - $85
One Hour Facial Reflexology including Massage - $85
Sinus Massage: - 1/2 - $55 1 Hour - $85
Sinus Massage: - 1/2 - $55 1 Hour - $85